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9. Support for parishes and priests

Archdiocesan Finance Office and Parish Support Office

The Archdiocese’s Finance Office is responsible for the efficient administration of the Archdiocese’s financial assets and for providing administrative support to parishes, including:

  • training and support in parish finance and administration duties, including the use of the Xero and PACEM systems across all finance modules

  • assisting with completion and submission of annual parish financial reports to the Archdiocese

  • assisting with Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC) compliance, including:

    • annual upload of the ACNC Annual Information Statement
    • updating Responsible Persons ACNC register
  • assisting parishes with Australian Taxation Office (ATO) and associated compliance including:

    • ATO audit requests
    • business activity statement (BAS) lodgement and corrections
  • undertaking parish financial assessments for relevant support applications to the Archdiocese.

The Finance and Operations Office also oversees the operations of the Cathedral Shop and the Central Catholic Bookshop.

Contact the Parish Support Office or the Finance Office at the Archdiocese on (03) 9926 2462 or (03) 9926 5788.

Archdiocesan Human Resources Office

The Human Resources (HR) Office at the Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne works closely with organisational leaders to ensure that the Archdiocese's most important asset—its people—are being nurtured and supported through the creation and management of programs, policies and practices, and by fostering a positive work environment through productive employee–employer relations.

Services available to parishes include:

  • recruitment (advertising, interview and selection, onboarding)
  • Parish Payroll Service (fees apply)
  • development and training
  • remuneration and recognition advice (role-based remuneration reviews, award advice)
  • performance-management advice
  • cessation of employment (communication, leave entitlements advice, redundancy advice).

HR services:

  • ensure Catholic Social Teaching obligations for a fair and honest wage are met
  • assist parishes to meet all their obligations as an employer, including correct award rates of pay, taxation and superannuation obligations
  • maintain accurate employee records, including leave entitlements
  • provide clarity on cessation payments in line with employee records.

To speak with someone from the HR Office, please phone (03) 9926 2424 or email

Development and Philanthropy Office

The Archdiocese’s Development and Philanthropy Office (DPO) was formed to enhance and support the fundraising efforts of the Archbishop, diocesan parishes and key Church agencies. In the context of parishes, the DPO's services include:

  • offertory giving programs
    These programs are designed to educate parishioners on the importance of giving to the parish on a weekly basis. DPO resources particularly focus on encouraging parishioners to see their act of gift-giving as part of the offertory made at the Mass. Parishes should run an offertory giving program at least once every three years; and, once a year, on a particular weekend of their choice, parishes are also encouraged to provide parishioners with an opportunity to reflect on their giving habits and re-evaluate their weekly pledge.
  • capital campaigns
    From time to time, parishes need to embark on special fundraising campaigns known as capital campaigns. The DPO will closely collaborate with parish priests and with finance and building committees to plan out a scheduled and detailed fundraising program. This will include formulating a strong case for support and carrying out or aiding conversations with prospective donor families.
  • bequests promotion
    Bequests are powerful and transformational acts of generosity. Naturally one of the most important communities in many people’s lives is their local parish. On many occasions, through the provision of a will, the Church has received deceased estates, or portions of an individual’s estate. The DPO can talk to priests about how to go about promoting bequests.
  • Melbourne Catholic Professionals (MCP)
    The DPO organises MCP luncheons throughout the year, providing opportunities for parishioners from various business sectors to meet with the Archbishop and network with other Catholic professionals. Guests at MCP events enjoy hearing from guest speakers who share powerful testimonies of working in different professions.

For further information on the above programs and for any other fundraising enquiries, please contact the Philanthropy and Development Office on (03) 9926 5771 or via email at

Priests Retirement Foundation

The Priests Retirement Foundation (the Foundation) was established in 1990 and contributes to the ongoing care of retired priests across the Archdiocese of Melbourne. This includes, but is not limited to, the provision of suitable accommodation, health care and medical out-of-pocket expenses.

The Foundation runs an annual appeal on the first Sunday of September, Father’s Day.

For further information regarding the Foundation, refer to the Priests Retirement Foundation web page on the Melbourne Catholic website.

Priests’ Remuneration Fund

The Priests’ Remuneration Fund (PRF) operates an ‘equalisation’ fund to ensure all priests in the Archdiocese of Melbourne receive the designated minimum level of support.

The PRF emerged from revelations in the late 1960s that many priests were living in strained circumstances, sustained solely by what came in on the collection plate. Due to economic unevenness across the Archdiocese, priests in wealthy parishes were guaranteed a comfortable living while their brother priests in poorer areas were often consigned to decades of struggle.

A series of clergy-initiated proposals to correct this imbalance were accepted and implemented in 1969 by Archbishop Knox.

In 1997, Archbishop Pell proclaimed the charter of the PRF and constituted it as a public juridical person under canon law.

For further details regarding the PRF, refer to the Archdiocese’s PRF guidelines.

Office of the Archbishop

The Office of the Archbishop is charged with supporting the ministry and service of the Archbishop to the clergy, religious and lay faithful who together make up the People of God in the Archdiocese of Melbourne, as well as his obligations to the national and universal Church and to the community at large. The office is the central point of contact for the Archbishop, scheduling and facilitating the various aspects of his pastoral ministry; serving as a centre of communication between the Archbishop and the people of the Archdiocese and beyond; co-ordinating meetings between the Archbishop and the many stakeholders seeking engagement; and actively supporting and promoting his vision.

Some areas of focus

Among the office’s particular areas of focus are:

  • correspondence to and from the Archbishop, including meeting requests, liturgical requests, event invitations. (Note that all correspondence should be directed to, providing as much information as possible. A lead-time of at least four months should be allowed for event requests.)
  • liaison with peak Church bodies
  • political and stakeholder engagement
  • public policy matters, legislation analysis, and issues management and advocacy
  • liaison with ecumenical and interfaith leaders
  • the Archbishop’s messaging and writings
  • preparation of curial acts and instruments
  • episcopal visitations
  • ordinations
  • marriages dispensations
  • media enquiries and relations (to be directed to the Chancellor)
  • papal blessings
  • quinquennial report and annual report
  • data, records and archives
  • defection from the Church
  • support of Curia, Council of Priests, Province
  • liaison point for other Archdiocesan agencies and senior leadership.


Mrs Annie Carrett
Chancellor of the Archdiocese
Chief of Staff to the Archbishop
Phone: (03) 9926 5614

Ms Amy Wilson
Executive Officer to the Archbishop
Phone: (03) 9926 5612

Contact email:

Office of the Vicar General

The Office of the Vicar General provides administrative support to the Vicar General of the Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne, the Very Rev Joseph Caddy AM.

The role of the Vicar General is to assist the Archbishop and bishops in the governance of the Archdiocese. One of the important areas of responsibility is to oversee parish renewal and transformation through Take the Way of the Gospel.

Among the VG Office’s particular areas of focus are:

  • providing assistance, support and liaison for clergy, parish staff, parishioners and the general public
  • co-ordinating the Personnel Advisory Board (PAB)
  • providing administrative support for the Diocesan Pastoral Development Fund and College of Consultors
  • issuing faculties to clergy (on behalf of the Archbishop)
  • preparing letters of appointment of priests to parishes and co-ordinating oaths and professions of faith
  • making applications to the Australian Catholic Ministry Register (ACMR)
  • approving clergy leave
  • coordinating marriage celebrant registration
  • coordinating confirmation delegations
  • organising visa applications for clergy
  • preparing letters of good standing (celebrets) for priests
  • preparing the Vicar General’s monthly newsletter and other updates
  • clearing permissions for visiting clergy (including professional standards documentation)
  • collecting and collating sacramental statistics and parish Mass counts
  • preparing parish profiles (mapping, demographic data, future planning, boundaries)
  • arranging imprimaturs
  • accrediting lay ecclesial ministers.


Anthony Moate
Senior Operating Officer

Monique Gristwood
Personal Assistant to the Vicar General

Phone: 03 9926 5638
Contact email:

Safeguarding Unit

The Safeguarding Unit is responsible for:

  • assisting parishes, agencies and entities to implement the Safeguarding and Wellbeing of Children and Young People Policy

  • providing support, advice and training to Archdiocesan parishes, agencies and entities to strengthen their efforts in relation to child safety

  • assisting Archdiocesan parishes, agencies and entities to comply with the Safeguarding and Wellbeing of Children and Young People Policy and relevant standards.

  • receiving complaints of current and historical abuse or child safety–related misconduct. The Safeguarding Unit liaises with Pathways Victoria to ensure that the appropriate statutory authorities are informed of reports, allegations and suspicions of abuse in line with the Archdiocese's legal requirements and duty of care.

    Pathways Victoria was established in 2022, replacing the Melbourne Response and Towards Healing. It offers therapeutic and pastoral support to victim-survivors of abuse and conducts independent investigations in line with trauma-informed processes. Pathways Victoria is an independent entity that manages complaints of sexual and other abuse by Church personnel in the Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne, including applications for redress in relation to institutional abuse matters.

    Complaints, allegations and suspicions of abuse can be reported directly to Pathways Victoria or to the Safeguarding Unit. For further information on how to report, please refer to the Reporting abuse and safety-related misconduct web page on the Melbourne Catholic website.

  • guiding improvements in relation to our approach to child safety across the Archdiocese (e.g. Safeguarding and Wellbeing of Children and Young People Policy, Code of Conduct, compliance, risk-management, training) to meet legislative requirements at the state and federal level, and best-practice expectations proposed by Australian Catholic Safeguarding Limited

  • supporting parishes in completing their annual child safety audits.


Safeguarding Unit
Phone: (03) 9926 5621

Pathways Victoria
Phone: (03) 7064 3940 

Proclaim: The Office for Mission Renewal

Proclaim: The Office for Mission Renewal was established in early 2020 to support the life of the Archdiocese of Melbourne in our aim to strive for ‘the missionary option’ in all we do. We heed Pope Francis’ words in Evangelii Gaudium to seek ‘a missionary impulse capable of transforming everything, so that the Church’s customs, ways of doing things, times and schedules, language and structures can be suitably channelled for the evangelisation of today’s world’ (§27).

The Proclaim team seeks to work with, inspire and empower parishes and local communities to proclaim and live the joy of the Gospel, offering them a range of strategies, resources and support, including:

  • accompanying clergy and parish leadership teams to discern pathways towards missionary renewal and growing parishes that are vital, vibrant and equipped to effectively spread the Gospel in their neighbourhoods and beyond, particularly as the Archdiocese continues the Take the Way of the Gospel journey
  • supporting parishes to grow communities of married couples, families, and youth and young people, following Jesus' example of encountering and shaping disciples into the new life they were called into. Nurturing a culture of vocations in our local communities is a key component of discipleship. Parishes can also connect university students with our vibrant network of campus ministries
  • providing parishes with publications and catechetical resources for adult faith formation, liturgy, prayer, initiation, and social justice and ecology. The team also oversees the To Know, Worship and Love religious education texts for Catholic schools
  • connecting parishes Aboriginal Catholic Ministry (ACM), a vibrant ministry that provides support, pastoral and spiritual care to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, educates the wider community and works towards achieving real and lasting reconciliation. ACM is committed to ensuring Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples hold their rightful place in the Church and the wider community.

To connect with Proclaim: The Office for Mission Renewal, please contact (03) 9926 5761 or

Clergy Life and Ministry

The Clergy Life and Ministry Office provides personal support to active and retired clergy, promoting a culture of health and wellbeing, and ongoing formation for all clergy within the Archdiocese, the focus being on spiritual, emotional, physical and mental health, ongoing education and skilled ministerial leadership. There are three coordinator roles within the office, all filled by priests: Coordinator Active Clergy, Coordinator Retired Clergy and Coordinator Ongoing Formation of Clergy.

The office is headed by a coordinator who is available to offer advice, support and further assistance where and when required to all active clergy of the Archdiocese, including overseas-ordained clergy living and working in Archdiocesan parishes. All contact with the coordinator and the office is treated with the strictest confidence and care.

The Coordinator for Retired Clergy works with two registered nurses (Clergy Care Team—CCT) to provide assistance to the approximately 90 formerly active, now retired clergy from the Archdiocese.

The Coordinator Ongoing Formation of Clergy works to develop and oversee all formation activity:

  • spiritual formation: retreats and days of prayer
  • human formation: support groups, supervision, mentoring and workshops
  • intellectual formation: seminars, sabbaticals and graduate studies
  • pastoral formation: under-10-years ordained, skills workshops and seminars


Fr Thinh Nguyen
Coordinator of Clergy Life and Ministry

Trish Roseman
Head of Office

Cardinal Knox Centre
383 Albert Street, East Melbourne VIC 3002
PO Box 146, East Melbourne VIC 8002

Phone: (03) 9287 5541
Contact email:

Aboriginal Catholic Ministry

Since its beginnings in the 1980s, Aboriginal Catholic Ministry for Victoria (ACM) has been a vibrant ministry committed to ensuring Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples hold their rightful place in the Church and the wider community. The ministry’s work is vast and includes providing support and pastoral and spiritual care to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, educating the wider community and working towards achieving real and lasting reconciliation. Inspired by the Gospel, ACM is committed to the dignity of each person, open hospitality, truth-telling about dispossession, and being a place of connection—working for reconciliation in partnership with those who believe that there can be an alternative to the present order.

Aboriginal Catholic Ministry is based at 434 St Georges Road, Thornbury.

For further information, refer to the ACM web page on the Melbourne Catholic website.

Melbourne Diocesan Historical Commission

The Melbourne Diocesan Historical Commission (MDHC) was established in 1968 by Archbishop Knox to act as a secure keeping place for records and artefacts of continuing historical value to the Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne. The MDHC ensures that records and artefacts are made accessible when required and are preserved into the future.

For further information regarding the records maintained and gaining access to them, refer to the MDHC web page on the Melbourne Catholic website.